Tom Tiffany admits northwoods iron mine will have “adverse” environmental impacts

As reported by the Madison CapTimes, Republican State Sen. Tom Tiffany, the main “author” of the controversial mining bill that was passed this week by the Republican Majority in the State Senate, admitted that it was the Legislature’s intent to allow the proposed iron mine to have an adverse effect on the environment, so that a judge can’t find fault when the environment is negatively impacted.

[W]ith numerous groups already vowing to challenge the bill in court, Sen. Tom Tiffany also acknowledged that changes were made to the legislation to put the state on stronger legal ground to withstand such a challenge.

“The bill reflects the reality of mining. There are going to be some impacts to the environment above the iron ore body,” said Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst. “If the law is challenged and ends up in court, the judge needs to know it was the Legislature’s intent to allow adverse (environmental) impacts. That way, a judge can’t find fault if the environment is impacted.”

Keep in mind that Sen. Tiffany’s admission flies in the face of statements made just this week by Gov. Scott Walker, who said, “We are going to go forward with a permitting process that still protects our natural resources. It’s incredibly important to tourism, it’s important to agriculture and timber in (northern Wisconsin). We’re not going to do something that jeopardizes that.”


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5 thoughts on “Tom Tiffany admits northwoods iron mine will have “adverse” environmental impacts

  1. Didn’t the Japanese ambassador to the United States try something similar on December 7, 1941?

    If Tiffany reports a crime against Wisconsin citizens before it happens, does this absolve him of all culpability?

    What a crazy conscience!

  2. Tom Tiffany and Scott Walker may go down in Wisconsin history as the “co-rapists” of our state’s environment by the mining industry’s destruction of our woodlands, wetlands, and wilderness.

    When will the greed of mine owners enabled by Tiffany, Walker, and the GOP end?

    Will nothing of the natural beauty of the Wisconsin landscape be left for our heirs?

  3. Unfortunately for Tom Tiffany and Scott Walker, the Republicans were behind a printed brochure denying any adverse impact, and Walker’s statement was recorded on video, so whatever truth is hidden in that bill, the public was informed differently and that information has been well documented.
    We do need to remember what kind of people have been elected to Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, however. So importent to vote the pretenders out and real judges in in April!

  4. We know this is going to wind up in the courts, and I have a question for any lawyers out there. Should the tribes sue, would these cases be tried in federal court? Does the state even have jurisdiction? Any precedents?

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