Bernie Sanders breaks down the two Americas



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6 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders breaks down the two Americas

  1. Bernie has it right!

    What is depressing to me is the silence in general of the Christian ministry and leaders of other faiths and their failure to condemn the sin of greed by much of the 1% resulting in the greatest income and wealth disparity since the era of the “robber barons” of the 19th Century.

    The only public voice I’ve heard decrying this grave disparity is Pope Francis with his commentary on the “tyranny of unfettered capitalism.”

    Here in Wisconsin, Walker is the 1%’s go-to-guy with his “divide and conquer” strategy attacking public employees and unions as well as privatizing public institutions to name just a few.

    “Oh, the humanity!”

  2. Duane, it all comes down to the issue of reproductive rights for all Christian ministries, that’s how the Hard Right manages to hold the moral edge with the middle class and the media. By turning over complete human reproductive rights to any and every teen age girl in America–that is life or death–the Democratic party has abrogated the right to every other freedom we once championed. The Hard Right, in defending human life, becomes capable of any privilege in most faith based minds.

    1. Better get to work then on exposing your, “Hard Right’s” delusions of being pro-life if the rest of us are to have a chance at justice and equal treatment under the law.

      Your absolutist and myopic comment is ridiculous.

      And commenting specifically about the topic, Bernie Sanders is wrong on as many issues as he is right. Simply stating facts is helpful for sure, Sen Sanders, but stating what your remedies are and stating those which you have engaged in to make any changes, is another thing. Keep on burnishing your image, Sen BS.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more.

      One of the leading agents of anti-abortion is the Wisconsin Right to Life, a 401(C)4 tax exempt group which can lobby, campaign, as endorse candidates for political office and donate to them as long as it relates to the advocacy of their social cause such as abortion.

      Churches are a 401(C)3 tax exempt group which excludes campaigning and donating to candidates as I understand the differences between the two.

      But in Wisconsin, I have found instances of an active political collaboration between the two with WRTL using Church newspapers, bulletins, and even halls for monthly WRTL meetings as well as joint fund raising. common events, inviting WRTL “guests” and even distribution of campaign literature and WRTL activity and announcements at or during the Sunday worship service at my parish. It may be more widespread beyond my Diocese.

      In fact, the WRTL has established a sub-site and a specific human resource for “Church & Pastor Resources” in their attempt, in my opinion, at a political proselytizing of various faith groups.

      For the record, I oppose abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother; however it’s “pro-life” effect and numbers do not begin to compare to size, scope, and enormity of the immoral anti-life agenda of the Republican party.

      For more information, refer to IRS Form 13909, TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION COMPLAINT(REFERRAL)FORM and page 2, INSTRUCTIONS.

      1. Two “oops, not a typo, but a “short term memory loss.”

        They are 501(C)3 and 501(C)4.

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