Editorial: Scott Walker lacks real business experience

This is a point that needs to be hammered home every day between now and November 4.

Gov. Scott Walker is trying to distract voters from his record by yelling about “outsourcing.” Where does he get his business expertise?

Other than getting a part-time sales job during college, he did some marketing and fundraising for a nonprofit organization. That is his business experience. Period. And yet somehow he feels qualified to question the business practices of the Trek Bicycle Corp., a central Wisconsin-based company employing about 1,600 people.

Walker’s lack of a business record really stands out against the accomplishments of the Burke family at Trek. Fundinguniverse.com reports: “Competing primarily against European and Japanese manufacturers, Trek began to have an impact quickly, gaining industry attention both for the quality of its bikes and for being an American company. Trek bicycles were especially popular in the Midwest, the company’s own backyard.”


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9 thoughts on “Editorial: Scott Walker lacks real business experience

  1. Walker, as a governor, is akin to a premedical student performing unassisted brain surgery.

    Ouch, we feel the economic pain of his ineptness and bad imitation of a chief executive.

  2. Zach – I can only assume that you also had an issue with Obama attacking Romney’s business experience, right? Since, you know – Obama has no real business experience.

    1. We all should attack Romney’s business experience. America is not well-served by the tax treatment allowing private equity and hedge funds to drain companies of profits, stymy innovation, and shed jobs.

  3. We did not want to personally experience Romney’s business experience. There’s the difference.

  4. I do not know if it is because of experience or smarts or what but with Obama as President the stock market is soaring but with Walker as Governor Wis. is sinking in relation to the rest of the nation.

    1. Someone with better understanding than myself on the phenomenon you describe can explain it better I’m sure, but Zero as President has nothing to do with it, except maybe in perpetuating the myth of capitalism, which is undoubtedly failing to improve the lives and financial security of the vast majority of US citizens.

      Major companies are buying back their own stocks with borrowed money and this keeps the values of the stock up at the moment, but the debts are there and many of the debts are to foreign investors, who will eventually end up owning hard assests, (land, facilities, etc) in the USA when the debts come due, as there is not any real new value in a lot of these companies in new production of goods, services or sales of new products.

      Its all a mirage like Walker’s promised jobs and supposed Blueprint to prosperity, and as you may have noticed with $Millions in donations to his criminal defense fund, he appears to be the only one (even questionably) more prosperous.

      1. Hey Carl, a correction; Burke sold her interests in her first venture as a young woman having just graduated from Harvard.

        She moved on to many proven successes both private and public benefiting all, unlike Walker, who with his recidivism continues to fail harming people by ill serving the public good with his zealotry of a warlike tactic of “divide and conquer.”

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