The legislature is ready to pass legislation to allow hunters to wear blaze pink. Now I have no idea what the history is around wearing blaze orange but I would think this should just be under the purview of the Department of Natural Resources (or at least whatever is left of it). But that’s not the inane part.
We need to add blaze pink to increase participation in hunting by women…
State Reps. Joel Kleefisch (R-Oconomowoc) and Nick Milroy (D-South Range) said at a Capitol news conference they hoped the attire would encourage more Wisconsinites to hunt and appeal to women (emphasis mine) and new hunters.
Really? Hunting togs in pink so it appeals to women? Cripes!
I have always wondered why hunting didn’t interest me at all. I get it now. I’ve never been a fan of orange. But if they come out with Blaze Blue I am going start blasting some wildlife.
I can see blaze pink hunting apparel moving merchandise in the stores but no, I very much doubt it will increase the number of women killing animals. Just out of curiousity, do we need more people out there killing animals?
EmmaR, afaik, the auto insurance lobby is applying the pressure.
“1 dead after crash sends deer into second vehicle’s windshield”
When Gov. Walker and the GOP destroys deer predators, wolves, it makes sense that if humans don’t replace the wolf impact, the deer, the habitat, and the food chain suffer. It’s another reason that laying-off DNR scientists makes no sense. Those are the experts we depend on to manage all those complex, dynamic, and interconnected factors.