2 thoughts on “This is your open thread

  1. I have previous mentioned that I only follow two blogs. BB and “Boots and Sabers”. It appears the host/owner/creator of “Boots and Sabers” Owen Robinson has been caught using fake screen names to troll his own site. If that weren’t enough, threats of violence, verbally abusive and demeaning language are used to attack those with differing opinions. I find this to be the last stand of a conservative blogger who’s time has long ago expired.

  2. WB, thanks.


    “Corporation vs. Nation: The Ultimate Showdown”

    “No Trial, No Judge, No Jury

    Putting Gold Before Water

    In 2009, Pacific Rim filed a private lawsuit – what is referred to in the impenetrable jargon of modern globalism as an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) – against the government of El Salvador for $301 million, equivalent to just over 2% of the country’s $24 billion GDP. As BBC World reports (in Spanish), the amount is equivalent to three years’ combined public spending on health, education and security.

    The company argues that El Salvador unfairly denied its mining permit after it began an exploration process for gold mining, costing it hundreds of millions of dollars of “potential future profits.”

    In the case of El Salvador, the government changed its mining legislation in order to safeguard the nation’s water supply. As Ciara Nugent writes in the Argentina Independent, a startling 97% of its water is currently unsuitable for human consumption, primarily as a result of the mining activities of companies like Pacific Rim. The miner’s proposed new project, due to take place in the northern San Isidro de Cabañas region, would have implied risks of contamination to the little water that remains:



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