Use DNC Call Tool to Talk to Your Representative About the GOP Health Care Bill

From the email inbox from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin:

Dear Democrats,

Our hard work stopped President Trump and Congressional Republicans from taking health care away from 24 million Americans while giving millionaires and billionaires a tax cut. This week, they are poised to take another shot at repealing the Affordable Care Act and their second try is even worse than the first.

Despite the bill being defeated twice already, and Americans across the country protesting it, Republicans are trying to pull a fast one by masking, in the form of waivers, some of their most egregious efforts to gut the ACA:

The latest Trumpcare deal still allows Republicans to take away essential health benefits from Americans by allowing the states to waive those protections.

The latest Trumpcare deal lets insurers jack up premiums for people with pre-existing conditions by allowing states to waive the ACA’s “community rating” provision.

The latest Trumpcare deal would cause even more Americans to lose coverage than the last Trumpcare bill. Insurance would become so unaffordable for people with pre-existing conditions that it would likely push people off coverage entirely.

This new deal preserves the AHCA’s phase-out the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, leaving 14 million fewer people on the program, while also saying nothing of the bill’s massive tax cuts for the wealthy.

Unless we act today, they’re going to take health insurance and essential health benefits away from millions of Americans and give millionaires and billionaire another massive tax giveaway.

We stopped them once. We can stop them again. Use the DNC’s call tool to call your Member of Congress today and tell them not to take away health care for millions of Americans. Go to and make your voice heard.

Copyright © 2017 Democratic Party of Wisconsin, All rights reserved. Martha Laning, Chair.


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1 thought on “Use DNC Call Tool to Talk to Your Representative About the GOP Health Care Bill

  1. Ah yes, enter your zip code and email to find your representative, really? This is the intellectual level that the DPW and DNC have you pegged at? They think you are not intelligent enough to know who your representative is and they wonder why their rank and file numbers are diminished?

    Coming from this, their position of intellectual superiority over their base is telling in and off itself as to how blind this “leadership,” is to reality.

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