Senate Leader Fitzgerald States The Obvious

The Wisconsin Republicans are feeling pretty sure of themselves verbally on one hand while running scared of Tony Evers on the other. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says:

“Listen, I’m concerned. I think that Gov.-elect Evers is going to bring a liberal agenda to Wisconsin,” Fitzgerald said at a press conference before the start of the committee meeting. “I don’t have any problem highlighting that right now. I want people to understand that. That there’s going to be a divide between the legislative and executive branch.”

No shit batman? Why do you think we had a record voting turn out on November 6th? Why do think the plurality of Wisconsin elected a clean sweep of Democrats to statewide offices? Why do you think they were willing to accept a divided state government? Because that’s what they want. Face the facts. Governor-elect Evers ran on his platform and the electorate wants that. The only people who get elected to office in Madison on a particular platform and then pull out the football at kick off time have been Republicans…primarily Governor Scott Walker, Sen. Fitzgerald and House Speaker Robin Vos. That divide you see between the legislature and executive branch just got bigger because of your actions yesterday and today. Keep in mind it was Tony Evers who wanted to find common ground…not the GOP!


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