Taxes: Can We Get A Fact Check Here??

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Apparently Mike Johnson Isn’t The Answer As GOP Reps Call It A Week and Head Home For The Weekend

Imagine that! After all of the noise and smoke around finally selecting Rep. Mike Johnson (R -LA) as Speaker of the House…and all of the praise he received…and promises that he could bring the caucus together and get things done…”House Republicans abruptly scrapped their legislative work on Thursday and left…

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Somehow, Speaker Mike Johnson Has NO Bank Accounts! He’s just a man of modest means…

Now that he’s been elected Speaker of the House, Louisiana Republican Representative Mike Johnson has come under new and deeper scrutiny. And it has been reported that he hasn’t listed any bank accounts on his federal financial disclosures. And this past weekend, when asked about it, Speaker Johnson said it…

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Milwaukee Buck Brook Lopez To Make $24 Million Per Year, But Robin Vos Thinks He Needs A Tax Cut.

With a Democrat in the governor’s seat and Republicans in charge of both the state assembly and senate, and given the current national political environment, it is inevitable that there would be a fight around taxes in the biennial budget discussion. Coming off the current fiscal period that saw a…

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Sunday’s Post At The Trump’s Expense: True Dat!

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21st Century Style Western Colonialism Rears An Ugly Head

This article centers on the United Kingdom’s recruitment of medical personnel from around the world…putting the health of residents of third world countries at risk by raiding their healthcare professionals. But this isn’t unique to the UK. Many other western nations including the United States are actively recruiting abroad as…

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WI GOP Won’t Keep Your 14 Year Old From Getting Shot In School, But Will Defend Their “Right” To Serve Alcohol.

Considering the number of issues and shortfalls in governance coming out of Madison…is it any wonder than rather than safety, clean air, clean water, education, the economy, help to family farms, state aid to any number of important growth engines in the state much less revenue sharing with cities and…

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And Then There Was Nashville and Louisville…whose Ville is next?

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Robin Vos’ Latest Stupid Idea!

Everyone including Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R) admit that the state revenue sharing formula isn’t working. I discussed this a bit a few weeks ago. Milwaukee now has a new generation of leadership and they don’t have the divisive political baggage of their predecessors. So Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson…

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Time To Pass The Lindsey Graham Double Dippin’ Is Verboten Bill??

As we continue to see the angst and concern about Social Security being emoted around Capitol Hill, maybe a first baby step would be a bill to deny social security benefits to electeds who retire with more than adequate and generous federal pensions. Not sure if the feds can enforce…

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