Scott Walker Is Still Delusional:

from the Twitterverse: Really? The Bidens have nothing to do with this…it’s the ask that’s the crime. It really is that simple…but apparently not simple enough for our simpleton ex-governor! Let’s make sure that Scott Walker is never elected to anything ever again!

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No, this is not how the 2009/2019 challenge works

I imagine most of you have seen the photo on the right from the president’s Twitter feed: and a picture is worth a thousand words…bigly! P.S. Has anyone tracked down the intrepid photoshop user who created this? Was he Russian or Ukrainian?

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Does President Trump Even Know Which Day of the Week It Is?

In a startling pronouncement during a public relations visit to an Apple Computer factory in Texas, President Donald Trump apparently thought he was opening a new factory…not seeing a new version of an existing Mac computer…in a six year old factory. It was a pretty typical publicity event, until the…

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