Thursday Music: Biko – Peter Gabriel – Playing For Change

Stephen Biko was a anti-apartheid activist and leader of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa during the late 1960’s-1970’s. In September 1977 he was beaten by police during a 22 hour interrogation and died days later from his injuries while in detention. His death sparked an international outcry and…

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Mumps? Now Mumps Is A Problem In US Detention Centers?

I mean…what the flock? We aren’t doing any testing for communicable diseases? We aren’t providing even the basic health screenings for those we have in custody? Mumps has swept through 57 immigration detention facilities in 19 states since September, according to the first U.S. government report on the outbreaks in…

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The Racine Judge and the Lincoln Hills Scandal:

Letter to editor: Judge to Walker ‘I wrote directly to you’: Dear Governor, Your enemies have turned the Lincoln Hills matter into a personal attack against you. You and I know my letter to you was written to highlight a most grievous system failure, to hopefully prompt a full inquiry…

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Obama struggles with stance on the death penalty

You have got to be kidding me. I can understand his dragging his feet on marriage equality given his Christian faith and the political environment…but the death penalty should be a no brainer. President Barack Obama is making a hard case for overhauling the U.S. criminal justice system, but where…

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America & ISIL share a common bond: torture

I wonder if having torture in common with the terrorists of ISIL is an example of “American exceptionalism.”

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Some thoughts on the Senate torture report

Any true patriot should be ashamed of the torture used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) post-911. A glimpse of these techniques details how the CIA employed sleep deprivation to wear down victims: It “involved keeping detainees awake for up to 180 hours, usually standing or in stress positions, at…

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The Prison-Industrial Complex Redux: Mississipi Youth Prison Horror Story

I’ve been tracking the corrupt Prison-Industrial Complex for awhile now.  Earlier posts alleged a catastrophic conflict of interest that permits private companies to run public prisons.  Well, it turns out that this conflict of interest is not the worst part.  The worst part is the supervisory failure by GEO prison…

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An Ongoing Criminal Conspiracy…

No, not Walkergate.  Something much more insidious and evil.  The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Roman Catholic Church and their political enablers. Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua ordered aides to shred a 1994 memo that identified 35 Archdiocese of Philadelphia priests suspected of sexually abusing children, according to a new court filing….

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My Eyes Still Hurt – Newt Hampshire

So please be warned, before watching this train wreck of what is more commonly known as The Newt Gingrich Presidential Campaign: truly the only response to this video – is this: The question is, if Newt doesn’t take his own candidacy seriously, why should we?

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‘Rise Like Lions After Slumber

It’s as if it were written just for the Occupy Movement.

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