Corey Robin is Shrill

He takes Corey Booker, the mayor of Newark, to task.  Mr. Booker ran into a burning building to save a neighbor.  In addition to being a personally good deed, this episode demonstrates the real failure of local government in the 21st century. The whole story speaks to a quintessentially American love of…

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Morning Motivator

This occurred to me this morning…  I was inspired (again) by Corey Robin who proposes that modern conservatives are still fighting the French Revolution. We’re all still fighting the French Revolution whether we want to or not.  The battle between equality and hierarchy persists here in the 21st century. We’re battling with…

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Adam Smith on Scott Walker and his Supporters

Adam Smith is usually claimed by conservatives since his economic principles, detailed in his masterpiece The Wealth of Nations underpin the ideas of modern “free market” fetishists.  Never mind that what Smith said has been perverted, twisted and distorted out of all recognizability by libertarian economists… I digress. What many…

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