DNC Announces Framework for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Debates

From our friend, Jason Rae, Secretary of the Democratic National Committee: Washington, D.C. — Since his campaign for chair of the Democratic National Committee, DNC Chair Tom Perez has promised to conduct a presidential primary process that is transparent, fair, inclusive, and puts the party in the best possible position…

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Updates from the DNC Meeting in Las Vegas

Dear Wisconsin Democrats, I wanted to share with you an update on the recent DNC meeting we held in Las Vegas. I believe it is important to be as transparent as we can as a party about how we operate. I’m proud of the new DNC and the things we…

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So Where Are the Democratic National Committee Candidates?

Wisconsin has an open seat on the Democratic National Committee. The next member will be elected at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin state convention this weekend. My understanding is there are 5 candidates. Count them 5! And I had to ask to find that out. And I’ll admit to not…

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Tom Perez: We Are Trump’s Worst Nightmare

This is the envelope that contained a letter from the Democratic National Committee Chair, Tom Perez. We Are Trump’s Worst Nightmare. I don’t want to be Trump’s worst nightmare intentionally. I want to get there incidentally. I don’t to ‘resist’ just for the sake of ‘resisting’. I don’t want the…

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Wisconsin’s Jason Rae Elected DNC Secretary

My friend Jason Rae has been elected the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee. Congratulations Jason! He was originally elected to represent Wisconsin on the DNC at the tender age of 17. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covers his rise in the DNC and his backstory here in Wisconsin : Determination…

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Bernie Sanders Finally Needs to Throw Down With the Democratic Party

Before I get into my rant, let me put this on the table. I have identified as a Democrat since the presidential election in 1960. I became a card carrying member of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin when I worked on the Todd Kolosso’s campaign to defeat Representative Jim Sensenbrenner…

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Bernie Sanders: DNC vetoed labor leader from party platform committee

According to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee vetoed his nomination of a labor leader to serve as one of his representatives on the party platform committee, with Sanders being told not to pick anyone else from the labor movement. When the Democratic National Committee announced that…

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The dictatorship at the DNC?

Over at Bloomberg.com John Heilemann has an excellent piece on the current infighting within the Democratic National Committee, much of which centers around DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Of two dozen Democratic insiders with whom I spoke this week, including several DNC vice chairs, not one defended Wasserman Schultz’s treatment…

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Why I Hate The Democratic Party

Charles Pierce over at Esquire sums it up nicely For some reason, and I may never figure out why, the national Democratic party seems locked into the notion that there are national campaigns and local campaigns and that the latter affect the former only in what is accidental. Whereas the Republicans,…

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