Could You Imagine If Everyone Had Dental Insurance?

Going back to the article about the GOP rally in Waukesha. A staunch supporter of the GOP was bragging about the increase in her dental practice due to increased employment in the area…and the resulting availability of dental insurance. Can you imagine how successful she would be if EVERYONE had…

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Just How Far Afield Health Costs In Wisconsin Have Gotten in 50 Years

Here’s an article from the Green Sheet in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning. It recounts the first heart transplant in Milwaukee, way back in 1968. The procedure, completed by 9:30 p.m. the same day, was the first heart transplant in Wisconsin, and just the 58th worldwide. The operation, The…

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Sometimes Reality Sets In – Follow Up

I covered this story at the begining of the year where we learned of the Caudle family. A year ago, the Caudles’ story in the Journal Sentinel spread across the Internet, fed by a divisive health care debate that led, at last, to passage of President Barack Obama’s landmark reform…

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