The Smear Campaign Against Socialism:

One of the apparent failings in American education is the lack of understanding on the differences between socialism, fascism, Marxism, and Communism. Or else there is now a concerted effort to smear socialism by linking it to fascism. Here’s a prime example from Facebook (at this point I am not…

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Happy Armistice Day

It was the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month… The Great War, which ultimately silenced or left injured, over 37 million people, finally ended hostilities in 1918.  The “war to end all wars” concluded with a peace treaty in France, the establishment of a League of…

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Non-Fact Based Political Debate

H/T think progress: While I have had my issues with Bill Clinton (like NAFTA for instance) he is a brilliant man. Here he is discussing the tea party: Former President Bill Clinton blasted the “non-fact-based political debate” surrounding the Republican primary race and Tea Party economic policies which advocate for…

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Today the whole world is watching Wisconsin

Let’s make history today! If you live in one of the 6 senate recall districts, PLEASE vote today!

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Left Wing Extremist Republican Dies

RIP Betty Ford. Yes, Betty Ford spoke in favor of the Equal Rights amendment, and also in favor of legalized abortion. Perhaps there is no bolder sign of how far to the right the Republican Party has dragged itself than to look at the life of Betty Ford, once right…

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