Tag: Jeff Plale
Doyle Did It Without An Overreach
Lest we forget, Governor Jim Doyle managed to extract concessions from the state employee unions without the massive overreach that is going to cost Governor Walker his job.
Jeff Plale: profligate spender of taxpayer funds
Republican Gov. Scott Walker: Wisconsin is broke! Walker administration appointee Jeff Plale: So what if we’re broke? It’s not my money I’m spending! Three months into the fiscal year that began July 1, the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads, has spent $16,500 and is obligated to spend another $27,500,…
Scott Walker’s sweetheart deal to energy companies
While we here at Blogging Blue have spent a lot of time over the past week highlighting the rallies in Madison in opposition to the anti-labor provisions of Gov. Scott Walker’s budget “repair” bill, there’s at least one (if not many more) provisions of Gov. Walker’s proposal that bears mentioning….
Why won’t Jeff “Pay to” Plale come clean about his job in Walker’s administration?
Last week it was announced former “Democratic” State Senator Jeff Plale had been hired as an administrator within the state’s Department of Administration (with a hefty pay increase, no less), and at the time of the announcement Plale responded to accusations his appointment was payback for his surprising (at least…
Jeff Plale lands on his feet in Walker’s Dept. of Administration
Shortly after former “Democratic” State Sen. Jeff Plale cast one of the deciding votes against approving 17 labor contracts between the State of Wisconsin and the unions representing its employees, I predicted Sen. Plale would be rewarded for his vote with a job in Gov. Scott Walker’s administration, likely at…
Blame the blogosphere for Jeff Plale’s vote? Nope, blame Jeff Plale!
This is funny… According to Fred Dooley over at “Real Debate” Wisconsin, yours truly and my “left wing blog pals” – along with the unions deserting him – are the reason State Sen. Jeff Plale lost the Democratic State Senate primary to Chris Larson, and as a result, the reason…
Jeff Plale, Russ Decker stick it to state employees
As I predicted yesterday, State Sens. Russ “I was a union bricklayer” Decker and Jeff “I was endorsed by AFSCME this year” Plale both joined Republicans in voting against state employee contracts, resulting in a 16-16 tie vote, leaving those contracts for Scott Walker and legislative Republicans to deal with…
Will they really stand up for union workers?
Over at Uppity Wisconsin, xoff asks a very good question: Will State Sen. Jeff Plale, a South Side Milwaukee Democrat who portrayed himself as a friend of blue collar workers in his losing campaign for re-election, sell out union members and sabotage their contracts as his final act in the…
“Democrat” Jeff Plale supports Walker privatization initiative
Color me absolutely shocked… State Senator Jeff Plale (D-South Milwaukee) today applauded Governor-elect Scott Walker’s call for a fundamental restructuring of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce. Media reports have stated that Walker plans to create a new public-private entity that will primarily focus on job creation and economic development efforts….
One possible positive consequence of a Chris Larson win
In discussing the results of this week’s primary elections, including the win by Chris Larson over incumbent State Sen. Jeff Plale here in the 7th State Senate District, one of our conservative commenters opined that “Chris Larson (if elected) can be a lefty fringe nut in the Senate who won’t…
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