Amy Koch is a Victim

of the gays and lesbians in Minnesota. Amy Koch, one of the biggest supporters of the Minnesota Anti-Gay Marriage amendment, which will be on the ballot in 2012, recently resigned her majority leader post and said she will not run for reelection. The married "family values" mother, had an affair…

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Where is the Proof?

Ok So a gay male escort has half naked pictures of you, a receipt showing he paid you $500, 2 phone numbers how to get ahold of you and has seen your business cards. That doesn’t mean that you’re guilty, even if there is a website devoted strictly to your…

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This morning local hate jock Vicki Mckenna posted on her facebook page mocking the hate crimes currently happening in Whitewater. Vicki McKenna i’m starting to smell a rat. 3 “hate crimes” in a month? something’s up. i am going to bet $ on a couple of things: 1. there is…

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Fierce Advocate Steps up to the Plate (on one issue at least)

President Obama who promised to be a fierce advocate for GLBT issues like ENDA and DADT has seen his star fall in the GLBT community given the lack of success on these initiatives. His continued use of the Department of Justice to force compliance with DADT and to go against the courts on DOMA have left many in the community quite angry at the White House.

Today he redeemed himself (somewhat) with his video for the It Gets Better Project, where in a heartfelt presentation of his own experiences as an African American minority he speaks to the GLBT youth of America urging them that it does get better.

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It gets better….

Watch as Fort Worth Texas City Council Member Joel Burns shares his own personal history as he explains to kids being bullied that things do get better…

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Highly Qualified Transgender Obama Appointee Raises the Right’s Ire

Amanda Simpson, newly appointed Senior Technical Advisor of the Department of Commerce raises religious right’s ire.

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