Trump Paints Self Into Corner, Shoots Self In Foot, Sticks Foot in Mouth

Donald Trump emerged Wednesday from his dimly lit bunker full of paranoia hued fever dreams to pick up right where he left off: the election was stolen, fixed, rigged, etc, etc, ad nauseam etc. Appearing on three separate conservative bombast outlets, Trump regurgitated the rhetorical vomit that has stained and…

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Could Trump’s GOP End Up Like Trump’s Casino?

Hey, Robin Vos, Ron Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald, Tom Tiffany, Keep clinging to Trump and his Qanon base and here’s your party in a few years.

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Wiggy is Really Unhappy

It’s not uncommon to find Right Wisconsin editor James ” Wiggy ” Wigderson ripping on politicians. His favorite targets are often Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, Governor Tony Evers, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, you know, democrats. But the object of his ire this time around is his newly elected congressman Scott…

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2021 Kook of the Year Frontrunner: Marjorie Taylor Greene

With 2020 Kook of the Year winner Lin Wood barely out of view, a 2021 winner is already in view. Actually, she’s more than just in view, she’s elbowed her way to the front of the line and it’s hard to imagine anyone elbowing her out of the pole position…

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Fatal Bullshit

In a senate floor speech on Tuesday, January 19th, Mitch McConnell (R-Tardy), finally spoke out loud what everyone in the chamber, even people like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, had likely known for ten weeks: that Donald Trump had been incessantly spewing lies about non-existent election fraud for two and…

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Body Armor In the Capitol

A couple of months ago I wrote on my personal Facebook page that it appeared the two most dangerous jobs in Trump’s America were public health official and election official. Dr. Anthony Fauci and his family have received death threats simply because Fauci is trying his damndest to contain a…

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When will Wisconsin’s Republican legislators start doing their jobs?

As Ed noted a few days ago Democratic Gov. Tony Evers sent a letter to Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald – both Republicans – inviting each of them to meet to discuss the state’s response to COVID-19. In his letter Gov. Evers noted it…

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Big government Wisconsin Republicans continue GOP war on women

I’ve always been fascinated by Republican claims to support less government intrusion into the lives of citizens…..except when it comes to issues like same-sex relationships and women’s rights. Here in Wisconsin we’re seeing that first-hand as Republicans in the Legislature have passed a series of bills aimed at allowing government…

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Which Friend, Relative or Contributor Will Gov Walker Appoint to Head the State Patrol?

Stephen Fitzgerald, father of WI State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and former Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, announced his retirement from his post as Superintendent of the Wisconsin State Patrol. Although a distinguished law enforcement officer there were some serious concerns about nepotism and favors when Governor Scott Walker appointed…

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Sanctuary Cities In Wisconsin.

Ok, if you have been paying attention to some of the shenanigans in the state assembly this past week or so, you saw that they passed a sanctuary city ordinance. What exactly does that mean? Well here check this out: Wisconsin cities would face state financial sanctions if they block…

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