Tag: Scott Jensen
Barbarians at the gate, inauguration version
This photo pretty much sums up everything that’s wrong with politics here in Wisconsin. https://twitter.com/rebeccakemble/status/552194370011955200/
Brad Schimel’s sweetheart deal for disgraced, corrupt Scott Jensen
I had almost forgotten about Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel’s role in helping disgraced former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen avoid multiple felony convictions for misconduct in public office as a result of Jensen’s involvement in the caucus scandal, in which multiple lawmakers from both parties used taxpayer resources to…
These Democratic candidates have the “Scott Jensen Seal of Approval”
So it appears the American Federation for Children (AFC), the right-wing education “reform” outfit tied to disgraced and convicted former Republican Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen, is pouring an awful lot of money into helping elect African-American Democrats in Milwaukee. According to the GAB-7S linked to above, the AFC has spent…
Lena Taylor & Scott Walker have a lot in common
Apparently Democratic State Sen. Lena Taylor and Republican Gov. Scott Walker have more in common than their mutual love of concealed carry and the Castle Doctrine; they’re both involved with the American Federation for Children, a right-wing school choice group that counts among its lobbyists disgraced former Republican Assembly Speaker…
Why is Democratic State Rep. Jason Fields taking money from disgraced Republican Scott Jensen?
On Saturday Ed had an excellent writeup about the bevy of challengers to African-American Democratic elected officials in Milwaukee and the negative reaction of at least one of those elected officials (State Rep. Jason Fields) as well Stephanie Findley, the chairperson of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s Black Caucus, to…
Beware of the MacIver spin machine
Read the entire opinion column over at Citizen Action Wisconsin’s “No Sacred Cows” blog.
What Would Scott Jensen Do?
The wisconsin assembly republican recently passed Assembly Bill 110, which is just another in a long line of attacks on public education. While it is billed as a bill which would permit families of special needs students to send their students to private schools with tax dollars. As is true…
MacIver Outs Themselves!
The MacIver Institute bills itself as the “Free Market Voice For Wisconsin” As a matter of fact they are so proud of this they have it plastered on their website next to a picture of Dick Van Patten. The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy is a Wisconsin-based think…
The Shark’s Comment Line is Open!
Zach recently posted the links to the 84 pages of emails that the republicans were desperate to keep from the public. While it is somewhat tame, with just a few gems sprinkled in (they admit to “wildly gerrymandering, they continue to go to convicted felon Scott “scooter” Jensen, etc…), one…
Whats the Penalty for Perjury?
Yesterday, testimony was released on the GOP redistricting process, and the star witness was Adam Foltz & Tad Ottman. Foltz is an aide to Assembly speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, while Ottman is an aide to Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald. No word why an aide to Steve Fitzgerald was not involved…
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