In Case You Forgot – Scott Fitzgerald

In light of the the maturity and intelligence that Scott Fitzgerald's supporters are showing, I thought I would bring back some classics. This video can not be shown enough. How important was passing ACT10(which divided the state and set up the many recalls including his own), very important according to…

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George Washington – Prophet!

It appears that George Washington knew that politicians like Scott Walker would be coming: “The power under the constitution will always be in the people. It is intrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and, whenever it is executed contrary…

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On Reading Adam Smith, Thomas Paine and The Constitution

Conservatives don’t know much about history.  We’ve seen hilarity ensue when Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann attempt to tell stories about the history of America.  But what’s more subtle is that they don’t know about the process of knowledge in the context of history.  That’s hardly surprising to a political…

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losing my faith…

While George W. Bush on his \"Hey I wasn\'t so bad … really I wasn\'t!\"\' book tour going on, we can now look back at “some” of the Bush Presidency. Using hindsight we know that he has admitted to war crimes, was tortured by his mother as a kid, and…

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I Rest My Case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For months now I have been having fun pointing out the ridiculousness of the “tea” parties. From the fact that the original tea party was to protest a corporate tax cut, to the fact that Big Government millionaires Paul Ryan and Tommy Thompson have been headline speakers, to their beginning…

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