Now About Those Pesky Emails Anyway!

No, I am not talking about the personal email servers used by the last three former Secretaries of State…I am talking about those email issues on Capitol Hill! Yahoo Mail has been blocked until further notice by Congress due to a surge in ransomware attacks levied against the House. As…

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Ebola: Ask the GOP Where the Hell the Surgeon General Is

Today President Obama fed into the national hysteria surrounding the Ebola virus by appointing a bureaucrat to the inventive pseudo-post of Ebola-czar. But shouldn’t we have an experienced medico at the helm. Maybe get someone involved…like maybe the SURGEON GENERAL? So where the hell is the Surgeon General? Well apparently…

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When is That Boy From Elroy Not From Elroy?

During the campaign, our boy from Elroy, Mr. Tommy Thompson, has made hay (pun intended) that he is still a small town farmer…that is supposed to be in contrast to the left’s accusation that he is now a big moneyed lobbyist and Washington insider. Well the pushups, the tractors, the…

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Why Aren’t Tenthers and Strict Constructionists Screaming For Filibuster Reform?

Perhaps because it’s in their interest not to? But the truth is, the filibuster and the supermajority are, quite likely, unconstitutional. In the end, the Constitution prescribed six instances in which Congress would require more than a majority vote: impeaching the president, expelling members, overriding a presidential veto of a…

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Senate Gridlock in One Chart

Yep, that pretty much explains it.

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

With the announcement today by Ted Kanavas that he will not be running for the US senate seat being vacated by Herb Kohl, it brings to mind a question and an observation. Question: Who? Observation: With such a weak Republican field (fitzgerald the lesser, professional jobber Mark Neumann and maybe…

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