The Political Compass

We often place labels on people as liberal or conservative based upon one or two observations that we have made. The same is true when others think about us.

Here is The Political Compass that takes you thru six pages of questions to discover what your ideological leanings truly are.

It only takes a few minutes. If you take the test, let me know in the comments if you were surprised by the results.


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7 thoughts on “The Political Compass

  1. I didn’t take the test…but I don’t think I would fit in anywhere. 😉

    Did you take it??

  2. Where on the compass did you land…there are four sections?? I actually couldn’t resist taking the quiz…and I landed almost right next to Ghandi. 🙂

      1. Economic Left/Rgiht: -2.88
        Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.44

        Yeah…Zach…I wouldn’t have pegged myself as being that liberal either. Like I said earlier…I really don’t fit in anywhere. I’m prolife but non-religious (verging on anti-religion)…that says enough.

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