‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos. But It Isn’t Who You Think.

A group called Recall Vos has announced efforts to collect signatures to recall Wisconsin’s Assembly Speaker, Robin Vos. And no it’s not some radical left wing group at the helm. Instead it is a group of disgruntled fruitcake Trumpers behind the effort.

The President Donald Trump wing of the Republican Party told Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) in November 2023, that if he did not act to dismantle the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) and remove administrator Meagan Wolfe from her job, he would be removed from his.

The Recall Vos effort filed paperwork with the WEC on Wednesday and held a press conference on Thursday last week where they accused the speaker of standing in the way of election reform.

The effort will need 6,800 signatures to trigger a recall.

However, Trump supporters are also concerned about Vos’ loyalty, quoting him as saying, “I will try as hard as I can to make sure Donald Trump is not the nominee (in 2024).”

No I don’t have to convince any of you that I would love to see Robin Vos gone. But this is thoroughly nuts. And it certainly once again demonstrates the dysfunction and idiocy that has taken over the Wisconsin Republican Party as well as the national party in the Trump era.

Now recalls are are serious business and really should be used for blatant misuse of public office. Ala Scott Walker and Act 10. But essentially, in the end, Robin Vos has done nothing wrong here other than bluster and threaten and ping pong back and forth in the press on his positions.

But seriously guys…this is again just political theater…and an expensive one at that. If a recall petition is successful it will cost taxpayers some money to run a recall election. And for what? Robin Vos and the entire assembly is up for re-election every two years including right now, 2024. If the Republicans want him out just find a strong candidate, give him a billion dollars, and primary Vos off the ballet. Primary is in what, August? Probably take longer to do a recall.

Use the ballot guys…that’s what it is there for.


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