Category: Election 2024
Campaign Finance Reform? Why Is This Legal?
Today I received an email from Jacky Rosen. She is the junior senator from Nevada and she is asking for money for her re-election campaign. I get lots of these requests and unless they are someone that I can vote for per my suggested campaign finance rules, I just ignore…
If A Democratic Candidate Would Have Been As Incoherent As Trump Was During This Last Debate ~
the party would have pulled them from the ticket by now. Oh, wait, what?? Been there, done that? Pay attention GOP!
Donold Trump Still Lying About The Effect Of His Tariff Proposals
The self proclaimed master of the art of the deal continues to spread around nonsense about his tariff proposals. Let’s stay with the simple one…basically a 10% levy on all imported goods. Trump continues to poo poo the economists who say that this will be a tax on American consumers…
Donold Trump Got One Thing Right At His Press Conference Yesterday!
Taken out of context? Well, sorta. But since 2016 we now live in a post-truth era. I think I’m entitled…
One 2016 Campaign Promise That I Want Donold Trump To Keep:
He said that if he lost the 2016 election that there would be a taco truck on every corner. The nearest one to my house is 17 blocks away. So when he loses again in 2024, I want my taco truck!
The Polls Are Open For The Wisconsin Partisan Primary, So Make Sure You Vote
Check your voting location HERE as well as your sample ballot and remember to bring your photo ID. If you are not registered to vote yet, you may register at your polling place!! So there is no reason to miss this voting opportunity. And remember, vote NO on the two…
Partisan Primary: Today Is The Last Day For In Person Absentee Voting In Wisconsin, Except Milwaukee: That’s Tomorrow!
From this morning’s email from the Milwaukee County Election Commission: Today, Friday, August 9, 2024, is the last day for In-Person Absentee Voting in the Fall Partisan Primary, with the exception of voters in the City of Milwaukee. City of Milwaukee Voters:Tomorrow, Saturday, August 10, 2024 is the last day for In-Person…
Carpet Bagger Eric Hovde Proves To Be A Whiny Fraidy Cat Conspiracy Spinner
This article is behind a firewall at JSOnline: Thomas Leager is running for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. He claims ties to Whitmer plot. It was written by Daniel Bice who is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s deep dive political writer. Now the headline is already interesting enough on the face of…
Wisconsin Voters: Vote NO On The Two Constitutional Amendments On The August 13th Primary Ballot
There are two referendum items on the Wisconsin primary ballot on August 13th. The goal is to amend the Wisconsin Constitution to change how federal funds granted to the states are spent. Currently that responsibility falls to the governor, and rightly so. He is the head of the executive branch…
Milwaukee Absentee Drop Boxes For The August 13th Primary Opened Today!
And they will remain open until 6 PM on election day, August 13th!! Full details in link below: 13 Milwaukee drop box locations will open Monday for August primary If you want to mail your absentee ballot, the post office says the last day to do that and insure its…
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