6 thoughts on “Yeah, Fox “News” clearly isn’t biased

    1. Fox News wasn’t “quoting” liberals; they were providing their own “analysis” of what was being said. I can’t think of a single liberal who’d refer to the First Lady as President Obama’s “baby mama.”

  1. All I see is a picture with a caption… No context or explanation. After hearing the Obama supporters talk about Obama’s stash, I wouldn’t be surprised that they would say Obama’s baby mama…..

  2. Define it Zach….. You post a screen shot with no other explanation other than what you say it is. I gave you an example of the mentality of some of the voters out there who think Obama pulls money out of his stash… I’m sure you’ve heard it… It’s YOUR post. Define it!!! Don’t preach about generalizations with a BS post like this…

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