6 thoughts on “Palin 2012

  1. I know this is label “humor” but it’s not funny. She really has issues. Why can’t she get it through her head there is no place for religion in government? As disturbing as Obama’s relationship with Rev. Wright was…she is even more disturbing…because at least Obama didn’t try to force his religious beliefs on us all. I liked Palin when she was first picked for VP but now with all her religious rhetoric (which by the way she didn’t spew while being on the ticket that I can remember)…I’m convinced she does not understand what freedom for ALL means.

  2. Yes, Anon. I agree with your last statement. Many religious people believe that there is ‘us’ and ‘them’. Their belief system is not that all are equal. It is that some are better than others because of their beliefs. And that ultimately there will be punishment for those who do not measure up. And if that is true, then perhaps the conditions that some people live in is also God’s plan for not measuring up. Unfortunately, their yardstick for measuring the value of people is whether the others believe what they believe.

    Oh, to have yardstick based upon the actions of others rather than their beliefs, the world then would be a better place.

    1. “Oh, to have yardstick based upon the actions of others rather than their beliefs, the world then would be a better place.”

      I agree!

  3. I was watching Robin Williams on “The View” yesterday…and he was joking around about Palin…but much of what he said is so true. The one joke that stood out was about when Palin said Katie Couric’s question “What do you read?” was a trick question. I would like to know how was that a trick question? If you read you know what your reading…right?? How bizarre for Palin to say it was a trick question.

    I also heard that Palin called Katie Couric “the perky one”…which I found pretty sexist. Katie Couric has worked extremely hard in a male dominated field (at the time she started out) and is an accomplished journalist/newswoman…and I know she deserves more respect than to be label “the perky one” (by another woman to boot).

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