The big tent party?!?

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union today, House Minority Leader John Boehner said the Republican Party really is welcoming to moderates:

“We accept moderates in our party. We want moderates in our party. We cover a wide range of Americans,” the Ohio Republican told King.

“What we need is . . . a broad group of people in our party,”

Yeah, the GOP accepts moderates…just ask Dede Scozzafava!


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9 thoughts on “The big tent party?!?

  1. What is a moderate Republican or a moderate Democrat?

    Is it their belief in God, on Guns, and/or Gays or something else? Fiscal discipline? Liberties and Rights? Foreign Policy?

    1. My colleague informed me she was a liberal Republican and not a moderate. I asked what a moderate Republican was and he had no answer.

  2. Both parties really are big tent parties, because our election laws set up a de facto two party system. Its just that in this case, one party decided to squeeze someone out. It was a dumb idea, but it’s their loss.

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