3 thoughts on “Al Franken has some nerve!

  1. I think I shared my opinion about Sen. Franken months ago on here and my opinion of him was not good. I have since changed my mind thanks to you ZACH!! At first…I will admit that I didn’t even click on the videos you posted when they were about him…but since you kept posting them…I decided to take a moment and listen to what he had to say. He’s impressive.

    One of my biggest pet peeves (which isn’t a good way to describe it because it goes beyond a pet peeve) is the “oh well” attitude society has on rape. I have a lot of respect for Sen. Franken for standing up and fighting for the woman who was gang-raped…and for standing up and fighting for future rape victims…and for shining a spotlight on the other male legislators who don’t seem to get it.

    1. Anon, I know Sen. Franken’s not taken seriously by some because he was a comedian, but he’s a smart guy, and he’s proving he should be taken seriously.

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