5 thoughts on “And now a message from Dick Cheney

  1. Sorry Zach…but that’s hard to see. I don’t think anyone should use images of the twin towers to make political points. It hurts too much to see.

  2. A lot has changed between 9-10-01 to 1-8-09. The President must be held to a higher standard based on past mistakes and what we now know. If Obama backtracks on key areas that have kept us safe between now and then, I think it’s a fair point for criticism.

      1. Ha ha ha, exactly! Things continued to change even one year later to 1-8-10. 🙂 And I even wrote out my checks correctly and everything.

        1. I can’t believe I managed to (barely) put the right year on a job application I filled out the other day. Yeah, I actually had to print an application off and use a pen to fill it out. Outrageous! Especially considering my handwriting.

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