Seriously, we need more offshore oil drilling!

After all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with offshore oil drilling:

And here’s some video of half-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin making the case for more “environmentally friendly” offshore oil drilling during the 2008 presidential campaign:


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4 thoughts on “Seriously, we need more offshore oil drilling!

  1. We should still drill. We can’t allow this accident to disrupt our quest to rid ourselves of dependence on foreign oil and current “renewable”(I put that in quotes because there is no such thing) energy technologies are ridiculously inefficient. If we stopped everything because there was an accident we wouldn’t be flying, driving, or eating chicken off the bone.

  2. Again you point out Sarah Palin and forget President Obama was adovcating for this as recent as a month ago. I know you say you don’t care who is for it, but if you are going to criticize, why not be critical of everyone who is saying it?

    By the way, windmills aren’t going to get you there. Plus they’ll kill thousands of birds.

      1. You must have forgotten to include this video:

        Obama energy plan would open Atlantic and Gulf drilling:
        “But the bottom line is this: Given our energy needs, in order to sustain economic growth and produce jobs and keep our businesses competitive, we’re going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy.” — President Obama, March 31, 2010

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