Chris Abele criticizes Holloway for crony politics

Earlier this week I noted Acting Milwaukee County Executive Lee Holloway’s controversial decision to name disgraced former County administrator Renee Booker to a six-figure position within Milwaukee County government, and yesterday County Executive candidate Chris Abele issued a press release strongly criticizing Holloway’s decision:

“It’s hard to see how the decision by the Acting County Executive to give a six-figure salary to a failed bureaucrat who presided over negligent fraud and waste is in the best interest of the people of Milwaukee County. The voters and taxpayers deserve new leadership and real reform to move Milwaukee County forward, and this is the change I’ll bring as County Executive. We don’t need career politicians giving cushy jobs to the same cronies who made a mess at the Courthouse in the first place.

“I hope this hiring isn’t a sign of things to come, and I’m calling on the Acting County Executive to refrain from any more major appointments during his 30-day term. These decisions should be made by the person the people choose as County Executive this spring.”


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