The “Rally to Save the American Dream”

This Saturday, rallies are being organized here in Wisconsin and all across the country to stand in solidarity with Wisconsin’s public employees, thanks to

In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich—and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services.

On Saturday, February 26, at noon local time, we are organizing rallies in front of every statehouse and in every major city to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. We demand an end to the attacks on worker’s rights and public services across the country. We demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And we demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.

We are all Wisconsin. We are all Americans.

This Saturday, we will stand together to Save the American Dream. Be sure to wear Wisconsin Badger colors—red and white—to show your solidarity.

If you’d like to find a rally near where you live (other than the obvious rally at the Capitol in Madison), you can click here to find a rally near you!


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2 thoughts on “The “Rally to Save the American Dream”

  1. “Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas. It is not because of the merit of our positions. It is not because we care about children and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.” National Education Association’s top lawyer, Bob Chanin

  2. This just in.

    buried on page 125 of the budget repair bill is a proposal to take $28 million in reserves from the state’s health insurance/pharmacy fund and spend it in the second half of this year.

    Andy Heidt, president of AFSCME Local 1871/Dane County Professionals, calls it “part and parcel of Governor Walker’s pattern of continual lies.”

    Former Governor Democrat Jim Doyle, and former Governer Republican Tommy Thompson both tried this too by the way, and both times it was found unconstitutional by Wisconsin courts. Let this sink in however: Walker was critical of this type of budget trick during the campaign – but there it is.

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