Netroots Nation 11 is quickly approaching!

Pardon my geekliness, but Netroots Nation 11 – the sixth annual gathering of the Netroots (formerly known as the YearlyKos Convention) will be held June 16-19 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, MN. Netroots Nation 2011 will provide attendees with an excellent opportunity to exchanging ideas and learn how to be more effective in using technology to influence the public debate, and I’d like to be there to exchange ideas and learn how I can better use this blog to influence the public debate.

As some of you may remember, I had hoped to attend Netroots Nation last year, but I was unable to do so due to unexpected family stuff, but I plan on attending NN11, but I need your help. If you’ve enjoyed reading Blogging Blue and participating in our discussions, I hope you’ll take a minute out of your day to click this link and voice your support for me as I try to win a scholarship to attend NN11.

All of you who read this blog and participate in the discussions have made my foray into blogging a truly rewarding and enriching experience, and I hope you’ll help me have the opportunity to learn some things that will hopefully help me make this a better experience for you.




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