13 thoughts on “Open Thread

  1. does anyone think that they will be successful in gathering enough signatures to recall ANY of the dems? I hate the false equivalency the media gives it when they say recalls are underway for all 16 senators….

    1. I’m betting not a single Democratic State Senator will end up getting recalled, though the odds are great that at least 2 (but probably 3) Republican State Senators will not only face recall elections, but will be voted out of office.

    2. I believe Dan Kapanke and Randy Hopper are definitely going to be recalled, no questions about it. If I remember, Randy Hopper only won by a hundred votes last time? (I’m not sure, but I have to check about that.)

      I’m not sure about the rest for the most part, but there is a strong movement going on for three others. I am in personal belief the only reason Robert Cowles (my representative) keeps being put back into office is because nobody runs against him, therefore he’s the only choice we have on the ballot box.

  2. Agree that the recall talk against the Dems is all talk, but the J-S has to keep up this fake “both sides” BS, just like how they went out of their way to find the 10 pro-Walker protestors in the middle of 120,000 anti-Walker ones.

    On the other side, the recall efforts are real against GOPs (anyone there yesterday coould see the energy and the people out with petitions), and if the pressure keeps up, the Senate will certainly flip.

    On a better topic, I’ll go with Wisconsin as a 4 seed, and Marquette a 10 seed when the brackets come out today.

    1. I don’t know how Wisconsin gets a four seed (and you’re not the only one predicting that) with their craptacular finish to the season AND losing to PENN STATE twice. They’re a five at best.

      PSU ’86

  3. I think Alberta Darling is all but gone.

    * T – that was my problem with Mike Tate when we had that discussion on here a few months ago. NO ONE should go unchallenged. We will see now that the base is empowered if he can turn that into candidates.

    * Rich while the last game was a stinker for all involved, losing to penn st on the road is not a shame. Battle is legit.

  4. Then this from Oshkosh:


    Pine River resident Mike Syverson said he intends to get more involved in the Olsen recall effort after attempting to speak with Olsen for three weeks. Syverson, a self-identified liberal who created the Web site http://www.recalllutherolsen.com, called Olsen “a reasonable Republican” who he had voted for in the past.

    However, he said he’s fed up with what he called Republicans’ “fake budget crisis” and the extensive implications of the budget repair bill.

    “Unionization is a part of it, but the underwater stuff in the bill is part of it, too,” Syverson said. “I really wonder in 25 years when they write the story of Wisconsin’s shortest (termed) governor how Luther’s grandchildren will react to his role in that story.”

  5. Rich- 4 seed means you’re ranked between 13 and 16, which is around where Bucky would be if there were polls out today. I think they were 3 seed until they got waxed by OSU and laid that egg vs. PSU.

    And for the record, I think PSU has put themselves in by getting to the finals of the BTT, even if they lose to OSU today.

  6. Someone should check out Frank Lasee’s address in his electoral district. He doesn’t live there but uses it for his election.

  7. Zach,

    It was recently revealed that Rep. Scott Suder lives outside his district, instead residing in the 35th Assembly District (not the 69th). Traffic citation on CCAP(below). Where exactly does he live? When did he move? Does he plan to move back to the district?

    Now, about that voter ID legislation he’s pushing…


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