Wisconsin Republicans are essentially saying they are more afraid of Democrats with ballots than Democrats with guns!

I used this headline as my status on FB earlier this week. I got the likes from the usual suspects but…and here it gets strange. One of my right leaning friends commented almost immediately.

“Oh Ed…two totally different things. Election integrity has nothing to do with 2nd A,endo”

Now since this is FB and people tend to be cryptic, I interpreted this to mean that voting (election integrity) has nothing to do with the Second Amendment, i.e, gun ownership or concealed carry (as I was alluding to) .

Well yes they are in fact two different subjects but they are both constitutionally protected rights. Is one more important than the other? Generally speaking, I feel that any right outlined in the Constitution is equal to any other. But on the whole since voting is originally defined (although refined over the years by amendments) in the original Constitution and gun ownership is an amendment, by some wandering around in the field of argument, I would support voting as being more important.

Well my original reply was:

they are both consitutional rights are they not? Why should I be able to do one unhindered but not the other?

And of course why can’t I vote unhindered if I can carry a concealed weapon unhindered (and before Locke calls my bluff and says Ed, aren’t you opposed to concealed carry, well yes I am and I’d like to restrict it but I don’t support prohibiting ownership of firearms). But being a biased Blogging Blue staff writer, I’d opt to require permits for concealed carry and no photo id to vote.

And since I was afraid I wasn’t going to get my point across I added another comment:

please show me one single case of voter fraud that the voter Id bill will prevent in the future.

Because in the end this is the real kicker. Why are we drafting a bill to protect election integrity that does anything but prevent the very issues with the past few elections that have actually been brought to light.

And another by the way here: The commenter’s post was deleted by the original poster sometime between 10:14 AM yesterday morning and the time I am drafting this post. If you are going to hold a political position please stand by your convictions or explain why you’ve changed your mind. Inquiring minds want to know.

On the other hand the ‘right’ shouldn’t be hanging with me if they don’t want to have the discussion. And I will write about it when it seems appropriate!

So in conclusion, although stricken with fear by emails, beating drums, and chants of ‘shame’, those in the majority in the Capitol will permit concealed carry even in the Capitol so I stand behind my quote:

Wisconsin Republicans are essentially saying they are more afraid of Democrats with ballots than Democrats with guns!


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10 thoughts on “Wisconsin Republicans are essentially saying they are more afraid of Democrats with ballots than Democrats with guns!

  1. A voter law that is unconstitutional in its current form, will take millions of taxpayer dollars to defend and fix, and more millions to implement if it’s not scrapped altogether. In light of the fact that it’s been demonstrated that election malpractice is more likely in the administration of our election system than with the voters themselves.

  2. The reason for this is that in my experience the average tree hugger or gansta most likely to vote democrat either A)could not hit the broadside of a barn from the inside or B)is more likely to not be legal to carry but does right now and so won’t care either way. Neither is a problem for me because out in a more rural area, we don’t have plow by shootings. But put enough democrats in office and they can really do damage…want to know how your food gets from my place to your store? Trucks. Try to move produce or a plow or maybe a tractor with a prius but the govt sets the price for milk and many of the other nasty things we eat so the other result is no food. I can feed my family without going to the store much. How’s that working out for you in the concrete jungle?

    1. LOL! Having grown up on a farm and having wielded my share of firearms during that time…I can handle all of that.

      Let me know how growing your family’s food without the benefit of the tractors, plows, and even hoes that us sissified concrete jungle denizens actually know how to make works out for you.

      Apparently the mercury in the fish are getting to your gray matter.

    2. “I can feed my family without going to the store much. How’s that working out for you in the concrete jungle?”

      I can feed my family without going to the store much, so it’s working out just fine for me here in the “concrete jungle.” See, what you don’t seem to realize is that your stereotypes of us city folk aren’t very accurate, because we know how to do all sorts of handy things, including growing our own food.

    1. I’m a great shot with an assault rifle. I’m average with a handgun, but with practice I’m sure I’d improve.

  3. Zach,

    I’m a great shot, period.

    And I’m for single payer health care, ending the wars, a progressive income tax, and green, home grown energy ala biomass, solar, wind and beyond.

    Fish addict, where are you?

    1. Steve, I’m for all the things you mentioned as well, and I guess I’ll have to do some practicing to become a great all-around shot like you.

  4. Seeing as how I am involved personally with the wars as a member of the military, yes I am all in favor of ending wars. I am also in favor of single payer health care as long as it is the person receiving the health care doing the paying. progressive tax is great as long as each person pays something but seems to me that most folks don’t pay anything and instead take much out of the system. As far as green…I compost, have solar, wind, and plan on having a geotherm as soon as I can raise the money. I do it because for the moment it is quite cheap in the long haul and if the claims are true on the longetivity of the equipment it will pay off. What I had found is that solar ROI is less than what it costs. Wind also produces so inefficiently that it has a horrible ROI. I am not out to help the planet, I am a cheap bastard and if I can scrap, recycle, compost, grow my own or whatever to save money I will. You may be able to shoot and I am happy because it is a good skill to have. It is also a good skill to be able to grow stuff. It may have sounded as if I was itching for a fight earlier but I am not. I do, however, see the results of liberal mentality on mental health care and all the death caused by patient rights to refuse, I see the death caused by the school systems where the food pyramid is too difficult to understand and 50% of the graduates can’t read and 47% don’t even graduate. These are owned solely by the liberal and they are destroying the country.

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