Florida man kills unarmed door-to-door salesman

This could easily happen in Wisconsin thanks to Republicans in the legislature…

A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

It’s important to add that Kenneth Roop also had a concealed carry permit and owned 14 firearms.


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9 thoughts on “Florida man kills unarmed door-to-door salesman

  1. I think of these things every time I deliver the free neighborhood newsletters door-to-door, especially if it is in the evenings after work. Why should it be so dangerous to volunteer in my community?

  2. He was afraid. He doesn’t need any more excuse than that, right? Who cares if we have a culture of travelling salesmen and Girl Scout cookie sellers?

  3. I am against the death penalty. No. I am no longer against the death penalty. Roop needs to fry.

  4. This also could happen in Hawaii, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, California, Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, Texas, Pennsylvania and every other state in the union.

  5. Considering that door-to-door campaigning is the way to win elections in Milwaukee, it’s very close to my head and heart. I did win two elections in two years’ time, and obviously emerged from it alive and well, but, what’s to stop a nutter from doing this? Nothing. I just hope that our elevated adrenaline levels (and inversely-proportioned-rational-brain-function levels) manage to take a cool off soon.

  6. And this involves the castle doctrine? No. The guy didn’t enter the home, so it’s not a cause for shooting. The guy didn’t say the castle doctrine was grounds for shooting him. He said the 3 no trespassing signs were cause.

    1. Yes, but he was on his property and if he has enough lawyers and money behind him, he could say he was ‘going into his home’. There are huge problems I have with the castle doctrine law. The fact you’re penalized if you don’t kill the person, or send off a warning shot because if you don’t kill the person you by law are not ‘really’ threatened is one major one that bothers me.

      So I can’t actually defend this stupid ass law because of how stupidly it is written.

  7. The whacks have their ‘feared-for-my-life’ line down well.

    It’s not if, and it’s when this is going to happen again, and not just Fla, here is Wisconsin as it already has. Two black men lost forever.

    A young African-American male knocks on our door occasionally to ask to do the lawn (now that the lawn is kind-of growing again). He’s always careful to do his friendly knock, that we recognize,

    We always tell him, ‘keep coming back in a couple weeks, you do great work, my man.’

    I don’t think he knocks on our neighbor’s door the street over.

    That would be the ass on Richmond Drive, Fitchburg described in the site.

    Political field work is done in pairs mostly now. I make a point to do it by myself in low-turnout, minority areas.

    Feel among friends when I do.

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