9 thoughts on “Shutdown and the TPP

  1. PJ, thanks. Nice catch on the Trans Pacific Partnership.

    I’m for fair-trade, not free-trade.

    W/R/T the shutdown

    “…One point that seems to be getting left out of the mainstream/corporate media coverage is that an economic crisis that results from defaulting on US debt obligations will first and foremost wreck the 1%. The US treasury bond is the lynchpin to the global financial system, a default would first cause a panic attack in financial markets and the top 1% own almost 50% of all financial assets….


  2. Chris Tell sounds like an Asian backed investment banker. As for the lock-step Asian development and investment, America has so far not: Shot down economically strained and intellectually supressed protesters on the street – tear gas not withstanding; Nor actually outlawed public unions. The Asian hierarchy tend toward tunnel vision and have a tendency to get too optimistic and overreach. e.g. Japan’s economic meltdown after the second millennium; China’s current environmental problems. Most Obama and current political criticisms arise from unsubstantial but relentless personal attacks on Obama which get unfortunate credence due to ethnic circumstances, forcing him out of negotiations and other situations to sustain his leadership ability.

    We just have to trust Kerry as the President’s pick to hold us up in Asia, although we know that the president could do a better job. No question whether or not we should be in talks at the TPP. Just like we need to be in the UN. Doesn’t mean that we always have to agree and needless to say we don’t.

  3. Chris Tell sounds like an Asian backed investment banker. As for the lock-step Asian development and investment, America has so far not: Shot down economically strained and intellectually supressed protesters on the street – tear gas not withstanding; Nor actually outlawed public unions. The Asian hierarchy tend toward tunnel vision and have a tendency to get too optimistic and overreach. e.g. Japan’s economic meltdown after the second millennium began; China’s current environmental problems.

    Most Obama and current political criticisms arise from unsubstantial but relentless personal attacks on Obama which get unfortunate credence due to ethnic circumstances, forcing him out of negotiations and other situations to sustain his leadership ability.

    We just have to trust Kerry as the President’s pick to hold us up in Asia, although we know that the president could do a better job. No question whether or not we should be in talks at the TPP. Just like we need to be in the UN. Doesn’t mean that we always have to agree and needless to say we don’t.

  4. Chris Tell sounds like an Asian backed investment banker. As for the lock-step Asian development and investment, America has so far not: Shot down economically strained and intellectually supressed protesters on the street – tear gas not withstanding; Nor actually outlawed public unions. The Asian hierarchy tend toward tunnel vision and have a tendency to get too optimistic and overreach. e.g. Japan’s economic meltdown after the second millennium began; China’s current environmental problems. Most Obama and current political criticisms arise from unsubstantial but relentless personal attacks on Obama which get unfortunate credence due to ethnic circumstances, forcing him out of negotiations and other situations to sustain his leadership ability.

    We just have to trust Kerry as the President’s pick to hold us up in Asia, although we know that the president could do a better job. No question whether or not we should be in talks at the TPP. Just like we need to be in the UN. Doesn’t mean that we always have to agree and needless to say we don’t.

  5. Chris Tell sounds like an Asian backed investment manager.

    No question we should be involved in the TPP formulation, as we are involved with the UN. We don’t have to agree with everything and we don’t.

    So far we haven’t shot down groups of economically and intellectually supressed protesters on the streets or in our parks…tear gas notwithstanding.

  6. Cat,

    Chris Tell does look like an Asian-backed investment banker or an Asian-based global speculator. I found it an insightful read given his Obama-contempt and how that translates into his analysis. Also his identification of how Obama’s need to attend to the Shutdown has damaged Obama’s and by extension U.S. credibility abroad. He does seem pro-Beijing Consensus which makes his take that much more interesting. It’s fascinating to see what criticism of the TPP looks like from a pro-Beijing Consensus perspective… informative on where China’s trending and this bit caught my eye:

    “I suspect the ASEAN summit will likely produce a smorgasbord of similar deals being cut. This can only be seen as an epic failure on the part of the United States and simply yet more evidence of the movement of trade, power, and capital from the West to the East. European countries will hardly be featured at all, with Russia and China taking the limelight.”

  7. Thanks for ignoring my poor Internet connection leading to the multiple posts. Or is that a WordPress glitch? Not showing your post after you post?

    “I suspect the ASEAN summit will likely produce a smorgasbord of similar deals being cut. This can only be seen as an epic failure on the part of the United States and simply yet more evidence of the movement of trade, power, and capital from the West to the East. European countries will hardly be featured at all, with Russia and China taking the limelight.”

    Yet the Congress is still maintaining the shutdown with Wisconsin’s Sean Duffy blaming it all on the President’s refusal to negotiate with hostage takers.

    If Repubs release the government hostage, Sean Duffy, The President will negotiate terms…since you now say that Obamacare is a done deal.

    1. Cat Kin,

      I assumed the multiple posts were a glitch. I don’t have an answer for how it occurs, I’m afraid. It certainly isn’t the first time I’ve seen it happen. If it happens again, I’d say post another quick follow up comment indicating which one you’d like deleted.

      Yeah, I saw the Sean Duffy interview yesterday. What a cascade of dissembling rhetoric, eh? The bottom line: Duffy can’t justify the scale of need for shutting down the government because there is no scale. It’s an irrational scheme representative of the most excessive political violence a party is capable of committing.

      As to be expected Boehner, Ryan and a number of others have shifted justifications for the Shutdown from Obamacare back to debts and deficits:

      Hostage Takers Disagree Over Ransom

      And you’re right about what Congressional Extremists are attempting to do with the blame game. Boehner’s main message is the false and dissembling lie that the President won’t negotiate.

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