4 thoughts on “GOP aide: “Paul Ryan is the Jesus of our conference”

  1. How about this declaration: “Obama has a secret mistress, and Michelle Obama is alright with it.” This is the crux of a 30 minute video on the nature of the “three questions that will make any woman want to **** you.” Those two slanders are not enough, however; turns out the “mistress” is an Obama obsession with socialism begun with being invited to a socialist party meeting while he was a student at Columbia.

    So slander three: “Obama is obsessed with socialism, his lifelong mistress, which precedes his oath of office to the United States.” The video says its site may be taken down by Obama megalomania but if you can stand the whole diatribe, you will find the Teaparty propaghanda against “Obamacare” and of course, don’t forget to sign up for the Agora Financial’s newsletter which protects you from the socialist wiles of our President. http://research.agorafinancial.com/research/video/LFL_obamasmistress_1013?code=WLFLPA88&n=LFL_obamasmistress_1013&ver=1

    Agora must have a lot of money in killer healthcare institutions.

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