3 thoughts on “Thursday Music: L7: Pretend We’re Dead

  1. A bit too lively imo to “pretend we’re dead.”

    For something more in keeping with the theme of the topic, I prefer something several centuries old in Gregorian Chant such as Dies Irae Dies Illa (Day of wrath, Day of Mourning) sung often at daily Masses on the south side of Milwaukee in my youth so long ago..


  2. Duane, I was raised as a conservative Lutheran. The move among the media is now to make those among the left to make those not falling in line with Clinton to be “angry, bitter old white men.”

    My father was a CPA. He was a fervant Republican, with John Bircher tendencies, working hard for our family years back as controller for Koehring Company, based at the time in the M&I Bank Building. He told me that it was the financial analysts, with their insane demands, that made whores of us all.

    We are all now supposed to accept the neo-liberal ideas like privatization of public services like schools and water systems, with infrastructure not far down the road..

    I was born in Detroit, my dad working for Ford Motor, on January 1, 1959. I grew up in Wauwatosa, having a real love for music, which I later worked at, having an affinity to rock, blues and jazz–yes, we are all “professionals,” if you have to make a living and you have to pay your bills.

    As for this L7 video here, I wonder this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sztbB3-6IXk

    Are these the “free”-thinkers that Chelsea Clinton would hang with? You and I would agree on that.

    More broadly, would people working for Kohls Department Stores really appreciate these video-sensations shopping there?… I mean, you have to buy tampons and underwear somewhere.

    I would give a thumbs-up on this incredible video (it’s good to actually see the video here you are supposed to be presenting), but that opportunity has apparently been removed from this website.

    1. Thank you, onevote. My post was part tongue in cheek, part respect for those who have passed on. I enjoy the “music” days both from Ed and Zach

      BTW, my father was a plasterer, a strong union man; his son was not, but respects the right to choose, believing there is a need for unions, especially in these days of the greed and economic abuse by many employers.

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