Report: Donald Trump Jr. stole the photo in that infamous “Skittles tweet”

By now you’ve no doubt seen the infamous “Skittles tweet” sent out by Donald Trump Jr., who used the tweet to compare refugees of the violence in Syria to Skittles.

As reprehensible as Trump Jr.’s tweet was, it appears the image used in the tweet to make his point was used by Trump without the permission of the man who created the image, according to a report by NPR.

When Donald Trump Jr. compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles, the condemnation was swift — critics called the tweet glib, dehumanizing, inaccurate, cruel.

Turns out they could have called it something else: copyright infringement.

The photo featured in the tweet was taken, without permission or credit, from a man named David Kittos.

And Kittos tells the BBC he was once a refugee himself.

The photo in question — a striking shot of a white bowl of Skittles against a white background — was posted on Flickr more than six years ago. Kittos said he was experimenting with a DIY macro photography setup when he took the shot. It’s marked with a copyright note: “All rights reserved.”

Kittos says in his Flickr profile that he’s a database developer in Guildford, U.K., who’s interested in high-speed, macro and underwater photography, among other things. He also says, in bold: “Please do not use my images for any purpose, commercial or otherwise (this includes linking from your blog or website), unless you have my written permission. Sending me a flickrmail to ask me first, isn’t exactly painful, is it now?”

Apparently, Donald Trump’s son missed the message.

“This image says it all,” Trump Jr. tweeted on Monday. “Let’s end the politically correct agenda that doesn’t put America first.” Below was Kittos’ photo — and the Trump/Pence campaign logo — with the caption, “If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three would kill you. [sic] Would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem.”

Kittos tells the BBC he didn’t give permission for his photo to be used in that way — or at all.

“I have never put this image up for sale,” he told the broadcaster. “I don’t support Trump’s politics and I would never take his money to use it.”

The BBC reports that Kittos is “particularly dismayed” that the image was used to suggest refugees are dangerous — because as a child, he was a refugee himself.

In response to Donald Trump Jr.’s reprehensible tweet, Skittles responded with an absolutely pitch-perfect tweet of their own:


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1 thought on “Report: Donald Trump Jr. stole the photo in that infamous “Skittles tweet”

  1. “Let’s end the politically correct agenda that doesn’t put America first.”

    So not only did he steal a photo but he stole it from someone in Great Britain? Given his sentiment shouldn’t he have at least stolen an American photo?

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