Mr. President, I just don’t have time for that now…

Just arrived in the Blogging Blue email box:

On February 4th, I will stand before you and the rest of the Nation and give my Official State of the Union Address as President of the United States of America.

This Address will be unlike any other. Your President is in the middle of an all-out IMPEACHMENT WAR, and the Left is doing everything they can to try and take me down. They’re trying to take you down.

But, before I get on that stage, I want to get your input. Last year, I went over hundreds of thousands of survey responses from Patriots across the Nation to help me prepare for my State of the Union Address. We’re getting closer to the big day and I need your help again.

… before I prepare my remarks, I want to hear from real Americans, like YOU, who can truly describe the state of OUR Union.

Before I go up to that podium and give the most important State of the Union Address in the history of our country, I need to know what you think, Ed.

Oh jeez Mr. President, I’d like to help, but I got a blog site to run!

Actually, I am surprises that I am still on his email list after the answers I gave to his last survey.


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1 thought on “Mr. President, I just don’t have time for that now…

  1. I’d like him to ask what is our nation coming to when a cruise line uses Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” as its theme music.

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