Circling Back: WI Supreme Court Restores Approval of Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

During the 2020 Pandemic Election, municipal drop boxes became more popular than ever before as voters were afraid of catching COVID and wanted to avoid polling sites and voting in person. So they requested absentee ballots in record numbers and municipal election officials across the State of Wisconsin adopted ballot…

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Some Scary Aspects Around Moms For Liberty and One In Particular

At just four years old, the Moms for Liberty have become a growing force in the MAGA Republican Party. Not only staunch supporters of Donald Trump they are often pushing radical conservative agendas around sex education, gender equality, book banning, abolition of the federal Dept. of Education, reduction in Title…

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WI Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley Says Absentee Voting Is A Privilege.

In her dissent on the courts restoration of ballot drop boxes, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote: “The majority ends the term by loosening the legislature’s regulations governing the privilege of absentee voting in the hopes of tipping the scales in future elections” VOTING IS A RIGHT…and whether an…

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Democrats Behaving Badly, If They Are Democrats, Part II

Just after publishing my earlier article on this theme, I got a new text message. Just as egregious as the first or maybe even more so: Hey, are you voting RFK instead of Biden? LET US KNOW BELOW YES [link here] NO [link here] So what do you think? Russian…

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Democrats Behaving Badly, If They Are Actually Democrats

My friends and I have received a number of texts over the past month or so from I am not sure how legit this organization is but their website is certainly aimed at harvesting money. This last message is just a bit insulting and demanding, and I did not…

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Wisconsin Polls Are Open: Non-Partisan Local Elections and Presidential Primary. See Below For Polling Place and Registration Info!!

The polls in Wisconsin are open from 7 AM until 8 PM, Tuesday April 2 for non-partisan local elections, i.e., mayor, county board, city alderman or councils, school boards, etc. And of course the 2024 Presidential Primary. There is NO reason for not voting. You may register at the polls!…

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‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Part III: Where’s The Money Coming From?

I have written about this on two previous occasions: ‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos. But It Isn’t Who You Think. and ‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise . You would think after failing at their initial attempt to recall Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, under the weight of their…

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‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise

The ‘whack-jobs, morons and idiots’ as Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos addressed them, fell short in their effort to recall the GOP legislative leader. They just didn’t have enough valid signatures and even some of those that they have turned in seem to be fraudulent. I can’t say that I…

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The Question That Should Be Asked of Every US House and Senate Candidate in 2024:

Where were you and what were you doing on January 6, 2021? A truthful answer is required. And the answer in some cases should clearly disqualify a candidate for election to any seat…anywhere.

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Wisconsin US Rep. Bryan Steil Is An Enemy Of Safe And Fair Elections On Top Of Being A Tone Deaf Hypocrite.

First off, I apologize but this article is behind a pay wall at JSOnline, the website of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil’s committee tasked with election oversight hires an ex-Trump campaign aide tied to the fake elector scheme. I will try to make sure I have…

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