And Just Like That: There Goes The News

Originally reported in the Washington Post and shared on Facebook by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Daniel Bice…Gannet is going to furlough workers at their 100 newspapers. Certain employees making more than $38,000 must take one week of unpaid leave in April, May and June. According to Mr. Bice, that will…

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Yes Virginia, Wisconsin Election Laws Are Just Discretionary

Over the past month or so we have seen the laws about sharing signature solicitors and nomination papers enforced completely and thoroughly by the Wisconsin Election Commission and two courts of law. The result being tomorrow’s primary ballot will be short two candidates for Milwaukee County Executive. See previous posts:…

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City Of Milwaukee Disenfranchising Hispanic Voters?

This one is just incredible. There is only one thing that the City of Milwaukee’s Election Commission is tasked with doing…not running the street car, not filling pot holes, not plowing snow…getting the elections right. And it’s not like they haven’t been doing it for years…because they have. But they…

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I Know I Promised, BUT: Theo Lipscomb Is Back In The News!

I thought I was done with the County Executive Race until the April general election. And I know I promised that I wasn’t going to post anything more about signatures or nomination papers…unless…there was some big new news. And…unfortunately, there is! Today Daniel Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported…

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Milwaukee County Executive Race: Somebody Broke The Law:

And two candidates paid for it…but who really broke the law? The regulars here are probably tired of this story…and this is the last post…I promise (well I reserve the right to change my mind if something new happens). For newcomers and occasional visitors, here’s a synopsis of where we…

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Let’s Talk About Nomination Papers…

After you decide to run for public office and put together your initial campaign staff, the first two public events of your campaign are likely your announcement as a candidate and then collecting signatures on your nomination papers. This seems like a simple task and in most ways it is….

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The Wisconsin Election Commission As An Enemy Of Democracy.

The current version of the Wisconsin Election Commission was foisted on Wisconsin by former governor Scott Walker and his Republican junta in the Capitol. Its job is to administer and enforce Wisconsin election law. The commission consists of three Democrats and three Republicans. The commissioners are appointed by the governor…

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Healthcare for those without health insurance can be a local issue!

Congratulations to Racine and Ascension Wisconsin for stepping up and filling a void by providing health care for those who can’t afford insurance! It’s the fifth largest city in Wisconsin, but healthcare access remains a challenge in Racine. That’s about to change thanks to a newly-announced, public-private partnership — and…

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So What Good Is the Milwaukee County Election Commission Anyway?

For the first time in quite a while, the Milwaukee County Election Commission made the news and came into the awareness of a lot more Milwaukee area eligible voters. If you have been reading along (HERE and HERE), you’ll note that they have had a significant effect on who you…

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County Executive Candidates Are Making My Decision Easier

(editor’s note: I started this article over the weekend but the news this afternoon has an effect on what I am writing. I intend to stick with my original thoughts as much as possible and add the newest info at the end) After incumbent County Executive, Chris Abele, announced that…

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