Wisconsin Polls Are Open: Non-Partisan Local Elections and Presidential Primary. See Below For Polling Place and Registration Info!!

The polls in Wisconsin are open from 7 AM until 8 PM, Tuesday April 2 for non-partisan local elections, i.e., mayor, county board, city alderman or councils, school boards, etc. And of course the 2024 Presidential Primary. There is NO reason for not voting. You may register at the polls!…

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‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Part III: Where’s The Money Coming From?

I have written about this on two previous occasions: ‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos. But It Isn’t Who You Think. and ‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise . You would think after failing at their initial attempt to recall Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, under the weight of their…

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Endorsement: Evan Goyke for Milwaukee City Attorney

Evan Goyke has served as a public defender and Wisconsin assembly man. He has the experience and demeanor required to right the ship that is the City Attorney’s office. The incumbent has created a total shambles in the office, driving out competent experienced attorneys, a bit of cronyism, rumors of…

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‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise

The ‘whack-jobs, morons and idiots’ as Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos addressed them, fell short in their effort to recall the GOP legislative leader. They just didn’t have enough valid signatures and even some of those that they have turned in seem to be fraudulent. I can’t say that I…

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Wisconsin GOP Sets Up Conspiracy Complaint Repeat For 2024 Presidential Election Vote Tabulation

After the 2020 Presidential elections, as then President Donald Trump did everything he could to lie and cheat his way back into the White House, one major target in Wisconsin was a ‘vote dump’ or ‘ballot dump’ in the City of Milwaukee. After whining and bellyaching and lawsuits, it was…

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Why Is Robin Vos So Afraid Of Legislative Redistricting In Wisconsin?

I only ask this question, because just last fall Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R – 63) said that he lead a Republican majority in the state legislature, not because of gerrymandering, but because of the high quality of candidates that the party has presented across the state. Now if…

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What About That Public Funding Of Am Fam Field: aka where the Milwaukee Brewers Play Baseball.

Apparently American Family field needs some upgrades and the Milwaukee Brewers are looking for help from the public sector again. Originally Governor Evers came up with a modest plan but the Republicans, out of pure animus toward the governor, shot it down. And then they came up with a bigger…

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Irony: A State With A Bong Recreation Park Hasn’t Legalized Recreational Use Of Marijuana.

Yes, I realize that the Bong Recreation Park is named after Wisconsin resident Richard Bong, who was a fighter pilot ace and hero in World War II. And no I am not belittling him in any way…but sometimes the humor suggests itself. But over the past year or so there…

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Nazis Should Go To Prison: We Shouldn’t Have To Deal With Them Again.

My father was a veteran of the Second World War. He was a sergeant in the 11th Armour Division in General George Patton’s Third Army. During the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945, his half-track was destroyed and he was severely wounded. He spent the next two and a…

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Milwaukee Buck Brook Lopez To Make $24 Million Per Year, But Robin Vos Thinks He Needs A Tax Cut.

With a Democrat in the governor’s seat and Republicans in charge of both the state assembly and senate, and given the current national political environment, it is inevitable that there would be a fight around taxes in the biennial budget discussion. Coming off the current fiscal period that saw a…

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