The Fake News That The President Should Really Be Railing Against!

And that would be Breitbart. Now that he’s left the White House and returned to the rat’s nest that is Breitbart, Steve Bannon has turned up the heat on his fake news creator…and is actively out and about in country recruiting candidates to run against Republicans who aren’t pure enough…

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Biggest Victim of Fake News? President Donald Trump

In the continuing all day everyday coverage of President Donald Trump’s preposterous claim that the Obama White House was involved in surveillance of the Trump Tower during the 2016 Presidential Campaign…as the events unfold…it seems the identifier of ‘fake news’ is actually the world’s biggest victim of said ‘fake news’….

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Connecting Some of the Dots: Bannon, Miller, Sessions and Trump

These posts are taken from one of the articles included in this morning’s What We Are Reading installment. I am not going to comment on it…but in case you didn’t have time to read the whole article…it generally talks about the workings and future of an Attorney General Sessions’ Department…

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Trump Accuses Obama of Wire Tapping Trump Tower

I don’t know where to even start with this nonsense…and we can tell it’s Saturday. Without providing any evidence whatsoever, President Donald Trump using his Twitter account again, accused the Obama administration of wire tapping his campaign’s communications. He accused the former president of Nixon/Watergate stuff or McCarthyism. President Trump…

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