“A Preposterously Political Charade!”

Watch this video from July 2011 when the redistricting maps were being reviewed.  This is important in light of the current lawsuit over the secret negotiations and the way the maps were drawn.  And for the record, Mike McCabe is my hero.

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“Disenfranchisement” added to GOP Newspeak Dictionary!

It never ceases to amaze me how adept the GOP machine is at co-opting language and torturing and twisting it to their needs and away from the actual meaning of the word.  But it’s hilarious when they get it wrong!

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Another Kind of Voter Disenfranchisement

11% of African American voters in Wisconsin are prohibited from exercising their franchise.  Not because of their immigration status or their citizenship status but because they’re in prison, on parole or on probation.  That’s wrong.

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