Bad news for MPD

It’s been a bad couple of days for the Milwaukee Police Department. First came reports that a Barack Obama poster was found defaced in a Milwaukee Police district station, reports that are disturbing on many levels: Police chief Edward Flynn launched an internal investigation and issued a strong rebuke after…

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Who’s a Man You Love?

I’d like to take a moment to get off my political soapbox to voice my support for a cause near and dear to my heart. Men We Love is a photojournal book presented by the Alma Center, a community based non-profit agency in Milwaukee providing education and mentorship to men…

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The Wicked Cycle of Domestic Violence

On July 19, 2008, Eric Tavulares strangled his childhood sweetheart, Lauren Aljubouri. According to Milwaukee Police, Tavulares stated he and Aljubouri had been watching Natural Born Killers, and about halfway through the movie they stopped and went to bed: “He stated he does not recall exactly what happened next,” the…

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This is Why I Do The Work I Do…

WARNING!!! The YouTube video I’ve linked to in this entry is graphically violent and includes bad language, so please don’t watch if you’re easily offended. It’s also worth noting the video I’ve embedded is approximately 21 minutes long, but it’s well worth watching every minute. Having said that, if you’re…

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Parents Own Their Children?!?

So says James T. Harris, one of those right-wing talking heads from over at WTMJ620. In a recent blog entry, Harris seems to equate fatherhood with slavery, with himself as slave master. Here’s what he has to say: As some of you know, I’ve got a little girl. She is…

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Domestic Violence

October is national Domestic Violence Awareness Month. As someone who’s experienced domestic violence first hand – both on a personal and professional level – I find myself thinking a lot about domestic violence in all its forms, and I challenge all six of you who read this blog to take…

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