Whither MKE Cnty: Sanfelippo reneges.

I have received a number of emails concerning State Representatve and former professional part time county supervisor Joe Sanfelippo’s reversal on allowing the county board to reform themselves. He has lined up a number of new co-sponsors including Milwaukee’s State Senator Lena Taylor and State Rep Dale Kooyenga (R –…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Who Would Run For A Part Time Board?

Oddly enough the proposal first put forth by State Representative Joe Sanfelippo and wholeheartedly supported by Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, the editorial board of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the tories of the Greater Milwaukee Committee that would reduce County Board Supervisor salaries and deny them benefits is touted…

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OUR MKE: Interview with County Board Chair Marina Dimitrijevic

County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic talks about reform of Milwaukee County Government and the OUR Milwaukee Initiative. To here the interview click here! It runs 3.31 minutes.

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Whither MKE Cnty: Letting the Voters Decide Is A Good Idea Until It’s A Bad Idea!

The lead editorial bit of today’s Milwaukee Journal continues their support for a part time board for Milwaukee County. And they continue to support State Representative Joe Sanfelippo’s binding referendum despite the fact it only offers the choice between just two extremes on the spectrum: the status quo and a…

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Whither MKE Cnty and OUR Milwaukee: Watch This Space!

I intend to continue the Whither MKE Cnty (Milwaukee County) series as I talk about things in general related to the reform Milwaukee County Government movement. But there will also be a new series titles OUR MKE (Milwaukee) to cover things specific to the OUR Milwaukee initiative unveiled last week…

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Whither MKE Cnty: OUR Milwaukee: The Plan

This morning I typed up the press release from the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors about their OUR Milwaukee plan. Since then I have received the outline of the plan and present it here in its entirety: OUR Milwaukee County Plan Goal: To discuss reform of Milwaukee County government comprehensively,…

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Whither MKE Cnty: County Board of Supervisors Annonuces OUR Milwaukee!

I am typing this from a photo that was emailed to me just a while ago…so any lapse in spelling or grammar is probably my fault Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Unveils Countywide Government Reform Initiative “OUR Milwaukee” aimed at Comprehensive, Inclusive, and Local Government Reform Milwaukee – County Board…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Do You Know What’s Wrong With County Government?

You are! Do you know how many times I’ve been told that I am unusual because I contact my county supervisor? Do you know how many times I’ve been told we don’t need county government because the speaker never contacted their county supervisor? Do you know how many times I’ve…

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Whither MKE Cnty: When Will County Chair Dimitrijevic Drop The Other Shoe

In all of the public discussion about reforming Milwaukee County Government…well, let me rephrase that, declawing the Milwaukee County Board, the county board supervisors for the most part had remained on the sidelines until recently. That seemed a little odd since it is their jobs that are at stake. At…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Abele: It’s Not Personal!

Since the original proposal to blow up Milwaukee County Government was passed through State Representative Joe Sanfelippo’s office, it has been given unqualified support from County Executive Chris Abele. And on numerous occasions, Executive Abele has been quoted as saying, his desire to reform and rein in the county board…

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