Tag: KKK
Donald Trump: The Ultimate Fellow Traveler
President Donald Trump couldn’t leave well enough alone. After taking his time putting out a statement about the rallies, confrontations, violence and murder in Charlottesville…he doesn’t address the real meat of the problem. And after two days of pressure from nearly every sector in America…he finally comes out in a…
Senator Cruz With Selective Memory and Maybe His Own Alternative Facts
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas and former presidential candidate) slammed the Democrats for obstructing President Trump’s cabinet appointees in no uncertain terms. And particular attention was turned to the issues being raised about Senator Jeff Sessions history and background…he called to task accusations that Sen. Sessions is racist: The day after…
Senator Johnson May Withhold Support For a Candidate Trump
In an effort to remain out of the fray for the GOP nomination for president, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who is himself is up for re-election this November, has refrained from endorsing any candidate and has promised to support the eventual Republican nominee…well until today that is: Republican U.S. Sen….
David Duke as GOP Nominee: Will Anyone Notice the Difference?
David Duke is thinking of entering the race for the Republican nominee for President. Sure, Huffpo noticed, and The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, and The Forward. No word from the core of the mainstream media, and no word yet on how Mr. Duke will be received by either the Republican…
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