Another elected official exaggerates his military record

No doubt you’ve by now heard of the controversy surrounding statements made by Connecticut Attorney General (and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate) Dick Blumenthal, who, as he characterized it, “misspoke” on several occasions by saying he had served in Vietnam when he actually hadn’t. Obviously inflating one’s military record is unacceptable,…

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IL Closeted Gay GOP Senatorial Candidate Mark Kirk Votes Against DADT

It hasn’t been a good week for IL GOP Representative Mark Kirk, first his long time claim to having won an award for his military service was found to be false, now BlogActive’s Mike Rogers has the proof to out him as a closeted gay man. Mike Rogers has had this proof for a number of years, but decided not to “out” the Republican Congressman due to his relatively positive votes against GLBT discrimination. This protection of the Representative’s closet came to an end when he joined the majority of his Republican Congressional colleagues (including the WI delegation) in voting against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

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