Robert Reich On Liars, House Decorum During The SOTU, And George Santos All In ONE Meme!

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Robert Reich On Obamacare, COVID-19, And Preexisting Conditions

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Robert Reich Tweet On Trump’s Attack On Social Security

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Robert Reich On The Trump Economy

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Robert Reich on the Economic Success in Kansas vs California

To follow up on my older blog post on the economic nirvana of Kansas is a little video from Robert Reich: or check this out about Wisconsin:

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Robert Reich: I’ve know Hillary Clinton since she was 19, but I support Bernie Sanders

On Monday Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor in the Bill Clinton administration, wrote a post on his blog outlining why Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton for those seeking real change in our nation’s political system. I’ve known Hillary Clinton since…

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Robert Reich: Beware Paul Ryan

Over on Facebook former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has a post outlining seven things we can expect to see pushed by Speaker Paul Ryan. 1. Reduce the top income-tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent (a huge windfall to the rich at a time when the rich take…

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Robert Reich: Trans-Pacific Partnership just more “trickle down” economics at work

There’s been a lot written about how awful the negotiated in secret Trans-Pacific Partnership would be for America, but former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has an excellent take on how the Trans-Pacific Partnership is just more of the so-called “trickle down” economics that conservatives are so fond of, but…

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Robert Reich: Democrats need to start talking about the public good and the common welfare


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Robert Reich on Job Creators and the Minimum Wage

More to come on minimum wage…but let’s start here on a rainy Sunday:

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